Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Deven's Bio Poem

Deven's Bio Poem

First name: Devendra

Three of four adjectives that describe the person: Ambitious, Brave, Charming, determined.... e.t.c

Important Relationship: Son of Shree Ram and Krisha Kumari, Brother of Kishore.

Two or three things, people, or ideas that the person loved: Travelling, Reading and getting involved in outdoor activities.

Three feelings the person experienced: Sympathy, pain and affection.

Three fears the person experienced: loosing the nearest ones, close call of accident and fear of failing in exam.

Accomplishment: About to Graduate, learnt to swim and Able to cook authentic Italian food.

Tow or three things the person wanted to see happen or wanted to experience: want to experience the wild ride of safari in Africa, want to see the shooting stars.

His or her residence: Born in Nepal, currently residing in Alameda, California.

Last name: Pahari